Progast® FloraCare Forte Capsules – Real Ingredients

The ingredients in our Progast® FloraCare formulation, intelligently goes to work to ensure you get superior, targeted release and delivery with multiple health benefits.
For a probiotic supplement to be effective, it has to not only survive the formulation process, but deliver large numbers of live probiotics and protect them from the harsh effects of the gastric environment and intestinal bile.
FloraCare makes use of DRCaps® to provide efficient, targeted delivery. DRCaps® is made from a novel hypromellose formulation that uniquely delays the release of the probiotics throughout your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, making it resistant to a low pH environment, such as found in the stomach.
Probiotics don’t permanently colonize the intestines, that is why it is so important to take prebiotics in addition to probiotics. Progast® FloraCare contains Beta 1,3 Glucan (β-1,3-Glucan), a prebiotic fibre that is food for your microbiome, changing the overall composition of the microbiota.
In addition to β-glucan and four probiotic strains, our FloraCare formulation contains artichoke leaf extract, manganese, selenium, zinc gluconate, Vitamin D3 and gingerol – an isolated oily-resinous substance, comprising 5% of the ginger plant. For optimal gut health, an integrated, synergistic approach is essential, and we cannot limit ourselves to pre- and probiotics only.
Ingredients in Progast® FloraCare (mg per capsule)
1. Four probiotic strains (1 billion CFUs):
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Bifidobacterium longum
- Bifidobacterium bifidum
- Bifidobacterium lactis

1 billion CFUs
The trillions of microbes in the gastrointestinal tract — collectively known as the microbiome — influence health in countless ways. We have reduced numbers of probiotics due to stress, infection, antibiotic use, and various environmental factors.
Changes in the composition and function of the gut microbiome has been correlated with nutrient absorption and energy regulation. Clinical evidence shows that the role of probiotics reach beyond the GI tract.
Probiotic bacteria are little chemical manufacturing plants that produce neurotransmitters (such as serotonin and GABA), modulate the immune system and alter epigenetic markers. If we can improve the health of our microbiome, we can even improve the health of our brains. Microbes make some of our most important nutrients. They make all the B vitamins and Vitamin K and some of the critical amino acids.
Two of the more commonly used species in probiotic supplementation, are Lactobacillus1 (more viable in gastric conditions compared to other probiotic species) and Bifidobacterium2 (ferments and digest complex carbohydrates). Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are classified as anaerobic bacteria – they require an oxygen-free environment to grow.3
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium increase colony numbers after antibiotic use, and a study concluded that these supplementary bacteria are vital in preventing any permanent changes in our microbiome after antibiotic treatment.4
Health Benefits of probiotics
Probiotic bacteria have been widely recognized,5,6 to have health benefits such as:
- effects on immunological functions
- anti-microbial effects
- protection against pathogenic bacteria
- enhance epithelial barrier function
- improvement of lactose intolerance
- decreasing cholesterol levels
- treatment of Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and IBS
- replenishment of intestinal flora after antibiotic therapy
- weight loss and
- improvement in sleep
The benefit of a probiotic is relative to the strain in contains.
2. Beta 1,3 Glucan (β-1,3-Glucan) 50 mg
β-Glucan has been shown to stimulate the function of innate immune cells and β-1,3-Glucan molecules are almost resistant to the acidic secretions in the stomach. Numerous systematic reviews and meta-analyses indicate the use of β-glucan as a prebiotic fibre,7 modulating the gut microbiota and stimulating the growth of probiotics such as Bifidobacterium.
β-Glucan is a naturally derived water-soluble polysaccharide consisting of glucose units. Because it is glue-like and produces short-chain fatty acids, such as butyric acid, it may delay glucose absorption into the blood, improving glucose and insulin levels after a meal.
It has a capacity of reducing serum cholesterol and excreting bile acids. Higher excretion of bile acids enhances the synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol, which ultimately increase the cholesterol uptake, and thus reduces serum cholesterol.8
3. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) 150 mg
The most remarkable and probably important principle action of ginger is that it is a profound and safe anti-inflammatory. Ginger has at least three principle actions in balance: 1) antioxidant 2) enzyme and 3) eicosanoid. Eicosanoids are key mediators and regulators of inflammation.
For health to be preserved, balance must be maintained. One cannot ignore the interplay and synergy of plant constituents. Billions of dollars are being invested in modern pharmaceutical eicosanoid manipulation. Poor results and toxicity have created a great potential for natural anti-inflammatories. Eicosanoids also play a key role in immunity.
Generally used to alleviate nausea, cramping, bloating and indigestion, ginger works by stimulating digestive enzyme secretions in the gut.9 Ginger is one of nature’s richest sources of the proteolytic enzyme zingibain, an enzyme that digests protein.
Antioxidant, antitumor, and antiulcer effects of ginger have been proven in many scientific studies, and some of the ancient applications of ginger as a home remedy have been confirmed.10
This popular herb helps to relax the smooth muscles in your gut lining and assists with digestion by reducing gastric volume, secreting pepsin and hydrochloric acid and speeding up the movement of food in the intestinal tract.11 Promising research shows ginger improves, maintains and protects the barrier function during gut inflammation, not only by its eicosanoid impact, but by decreasing the levels of nitrite.12
Ginger achieves its eicosanoid impact with no side effects13 and a range of physiological benefits from immune enhancement to digestive tract protection.
4. Artichoke Leaf Extract 100 mg
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is an antioxidant rich thistle known to improve digestive and bowel problems such as IBS, heartburn, cramping, bloating, gas and constipation. In animal studies, liquid extracts of the roots and leaves of artichoke have demonstrated an ability to protect the liver, with possibly even to help liver cells regenerate.
Artichoke increases the production of bile, which helps remove harmful toxins from your liver. In the digestive system, cholesterol is essential for the production of bile — a substance that helps your body break down foods and fats and absorb nutrients in your intestines (especially fat-soluble vitamins). Too much cholesterol in your bile can result in the formation of crystals and then hard stones in your gallbladder. It is this lowering of the cholesterol levels that is giving artichoke heart health benefits.
Due to its specific mechanisms of action, the future use of artichoke leaf extract for the prevention of arteriosclerosis and liver diseases can be expected.
We need to take note of three specific antioxidants found in artichoke:
- a) Luteolin may help to prevent inflammation and cancer.
- b) Caffeoylquinic acid helps form bonds with toxic compounds, thus lowering their toxicity.
- c) Cynarin stimulates bile function, accelerate gut movement, and improves the digestion of certain fats.
Ginger and artichoke in combination may support gastric motility and help to stimulate the smooth muscle contractions that start in the stomach and move through the intestines (also known as migrating motor complex or MMC). The MMC cleans the small intestine by propelling undigested food residue and cellular debris.
5. Folic acid 250 μg
Folic acid is a synthetic form of water-soluble vitamin B9 that may be of use to treat atrophic gastritis by preventing or reversing the precancerous lesions. It has been reported that diminished folate status is associated with colorectum cancer. Folate deficiency enhances the development of colonic dysplasia and cancer, providing convincing evidence for the cause and effective relationship between diminished folate status and colon cancer.21
6. Zinc Gluconate 35 mg
Zinc Gluconate is an essential mineral and nutrient in the gut barrier function, and zinc supplementation may aid in restoring the gut lining, ensuring that the intestinal wall is strong and non-porous.22 Recent studies show that zinc deficiency induces damage to the gut membrane barrier.
According to the World Health Organization, diarrhoea kills an astonishing 1.6 million children under five every year. A study23 confirmed that zinc supplementation is effective at treating diarrhoea by reducing the duration and severity, and also helps prevent future bouts of the condition.
7. Selenium 10 mg
Selenium is an essential mineral with anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-cancer potential.24 The composition of the gut microbiota affects selenium levels and intestinal microbes compete for available selenium. So basically Inflammatory bowel conditions can contribute to selenium deficiency, making the gut more vulnerable to disease pathologies. Selenium deficiency increases inflammation and oxidative stress, and the resulting damage to the lining of the gut can actually contribute to gut permeability.25
8. Manganese 10 mg
Manganese is an important micronutrient that plays a vital role in the metabolism of nutrients. It appears that manganese may contribute to decreasing inflammation and pain associated with inflammatory diseases. Manganese has the ability to effect growth on Lactobacillus.
9. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is natural vitamin D, which is identical to the vitamin D our body makes naturally from sunlight. Vitamin D3 is much better absorbed that vitamin D, making it approximately 87% more effective in raising and maintaining blood levels of vitamin D.
Vitamin D is vital for strengthening the immune system. Scientific research has shown that vitamin D plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome balance and has a positive influence on gastrointestinal disorders. Preclinical trials have also seen vitamin D restore good bacteria in the gut and improve metabolic disorder.
Furthermore, vitamin D helps to maintain a healthy intestinal mucosal barrier, which normally malfunctions in people with IBS. Recent studies confirm an association between Vitamin D status and the development of IBD.26 A D3 deficiency can lead to bacterial infections.
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